We had gotten even more done than I'd hoped, and I estimated we would be finished with the framing by Thursday afternoon at the latest. somatognosis somewhither somatology somatotrophic somatopsychic sommelier somedeal somnambulate somniate somnial somniferous somnifacient somniloquence somnolence somnorific somnolescent somnipathy sonance sondation sondage sone soniferous soothfast sonograph sonorescent sonification soothly sooth sophic sophianic sophism sophiology sophomoric sopite sophrosyne sophomania sopitive soporiferous soporose sorbile sorbefacient soporific sord sororicide sorites sordor soroche soricident soricine sororal sortition soterial sortilege forward around friend snood snipocracy snye slate slangwhang sleathy slummock snift snobocracy sleech slickenside slipe slugabed slumberous slurvian shimmy shide shrive shenango sheer shend shivaree shoddy shindle sheol shunamitism shofar shroff siphonic sinter shetland shopocracy shrieval skothending skysail skyscraper slade sley slatternly slantindicular Slavophile slavocracy skiagraphy skiascope skintle skippet skive skoptsy sinophile siphonogamous siphoniform sinuate sipe sinopia siriasis sisal siskin sisyphean siserary sitiomania sippet sirenize sipidity skean skelder skiagram sith sitophobia sitiophobia skeuomorph skewbald skiamachy situs skald skaw skeletogenous skerry skelic sitology situative situla skep skellum skeg spanker spall spagyrist spanandry spandrel spancel spaniolate spandrel spansule spargosis sparge spargefication sparable spar sparagmos sparsim sparver spasmatomancy spatchcock spatialism spatiography spatiate specie spatilomancy spattee spatiotemporal spavin specious